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Sid Selvaraj, PhD, co-founder and CEO of Arima Genomics

By Sid Selvaraj, PhD

As I reflect on 2022, I am in awe of the growth of Arima Genomics and am genuinely excited about the possibilities ahead for 2023.

Over the past year, our ongoing technological innovation has enabled our customers to pursue many new applications of 3D genomics and to showcase the utility of these tools in a variety of new translational applications. In addition, our focus on commercial execution has propelled significant maturation for our organization, positioning us for success in 2023 and beyond.

2022: A Year of Expanding Possibilities

This year, we launched three new products to make it easier for our customers to study genomes in 3D and to understand the data generated from their experiments. In February, we unveiled new solutions for structural variant and gene fusion detection and gene regulation analysis – among them, the Arima HiC+ FFPE sample preparation kit, our first workflow purpose-built for cancer tissue samples, and the Arima-SV bioinformatics pipeline to enable customers to more easily identify structural variants and gene fusions across a broad range of sample types. In June, we released our Arima library prep module, providing a validated workflow to generate next-generation sequencing libraries alongside Arima’s sample prep kids and analysis solutions. In September, we further launched early access to the Arima Oncology Panel to enable the cancer research community with 3D genomic insights.

Leveraging our growing portfolio of products and applications, we saw our customers pursue a broader range of projects than ever before. As a result, our customers have now published over 300 publications with our technology. We saw several high-impact papers that featured new insights into acute lymphoblastic leukemia risk, the completion of the first human genome, and resolved how super enhancer-promoter interactions affect the human retina.

The Arima Genomics Team in front of our new corporate headquarters in Carlsbad, California.

Beyond our science and the myriad of exciting discoveries powered by our technologies this year, we also made great strides as a company. We raised $7 million in Series B funds with new investors such as Genetron Health and Tech Coast Angels joining our existing investors Agilent Technologies, Co-win Ventures, Vectr Ventures, and Berkeley Catalyst Fund in partnering with us to support our long-term growth. These funds enabled us to expand our footprint with a new corporate headquarters in Carlsbad, California and grew our team. In particular, we invested in our commercial growth by hiring our SVP of corporate strategy Chris Roberts, and expanded our presence in the APAC market through international distribution deals.


2023: Focusing on Cancer to Improve Human Heath

Three words encapsulate the future of our company—science, innovation, and health.

In 2023, we are excited to continue to invest in our science, helping support customers’ basic and translational scientific research. From conservation biologists and agricultural researchers completing assemblies of critical species, cancer researchers seeking to uncover the biological basis of disease, and neuroscientists exploring the biology of the brain at a single-cell level – our passion for the science has never been stronger. We will continue to innovate by providing tools to clinical and translational researchers and forming partnerships with the pharmaceutical and oncology communities. And finally, as we look across the horizon of biological possibility, we will further expand understanding of how our technology can better interrogate cancer genomes to improve human health.

We look forward to working with our customers to identify new uses for 3D genomics in advancing the human condition in 2023 and beyond.