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Grant Overview

Our mission is to support researchers who are pioneering the journey from bench to bedside, transforming basic discoveries into actionable clinical solutions. Special consideration will be given to projects that leverage Arima’s innovative genomic technology to identify genetic markers and molecular diagnostics poised to transform the landscape of cancer treatment and patient management.

Learn more about cancer research using 3D genomics.

  • Awards Available: Up to five research projects will be selected.
  • Grant Value: Up to $10,000 worth of kits and services tailored to the researcher’s needs, in addition to technical support throughout the project.
  • Eligibility: Applications from researchers across all career stages are encouraged. Those new to 3D genomics as well as experts are invited to apply.

Research Focus Areas

We invite proposals that ambitiously tackle challenges within these key areas:

  1. Cancer Mechanisms: Delving into the genetic and molecular underpinnings of cancer.
  2. Biomarker Discovery: Identifying novel markers that forecast cancer presence, progression, and therapeutic responses.
  3. Clinical Translation: Bridging the chasm between lab bench discoveries and bedside patient care through biomarker and therapeutic target validation.
  4. Precision Medicine: Tailoring cancer treatment modalities to the individual, informed by a multi-omics approach.

How to Apply

Submit a compelling proposal, not to exceed 200 words, that tackles a research focus area and meets the selection criteria below.

Selection Criteria

  • Scientific Impact: The proposed study’s potential to make a landmark contribution to cancer research.
  • Feasibility: The practical execution of the project, showcasing how Arima technology will be incorporated with other omics approaches to address the research question.
  • Alignment: The proposal’s resonance with the grant’s research focus areas.


The submission window closes on May 10, 2024. 

Apply Now

Explore Arima’s Solutions

Select from our range of products based on your cancer research goals

Genome-Wide HiC

Explore gene regulation and epigenetic mechanisms throughout the genome


Assess chromatin protein binding and associated chromatin interactions


Detect and discover structural variants in archival or clinical FFPE samples

Promoter Capture HiC

Speed your time to discovery by targeting critical promoter interactions