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Join us for a 3D Genomics Webinar featuring Dr. Sihan Wu | March 20, 2025Register Now

About the Workshop

In this workshop, learn how 3D genomics provides access to sequence, structure, and regulatory landscapes of genomes in ways inaccessible via other technologies.


  • Histone H1 deficiency leads to aggressive B-cell lymphomas by disrupting 3D chromatin architecture | Ceyda Durmaz, Weill Cornell Medical College
  • Highly contiguous Solanum genomes provide insight into the genetic basis of trait evolution | James Satterlee, Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory

Meet the Speakers

Ceyda Durmaz

Weill Cornell Medical College

Ceyda will share her research using HiC, and other genome-wide approaches in mice modeling B-Cell lymphoma to systematically characterize the spatio-temporal re-organization of compartments and promoter-anchored interactions at high-resolution and show how Histone H1 deficiency contributes to cell-fate specific chromatin accessibility changes that drive lymphoma malignancy.

James Satterlee

Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory

Jack will share his ongoing work to assemble high-quality chromosome-scale genomes across the highly diverse genus Solanum to understand how genome evolution has contributed to CNVs, trait diversity, and the predictability of genome editing for crop improvement by leveraging the power of HiC, long read sequencing and optical mapping.