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Science is additive. As a researcher makes a singular breakthrough or as a publication answers one research question, it opens the door to dozens more questions and ideas for other researchers to explore. Discovery upon discovery, one paper at a time, science strides forward. That’s why we are so thrilled to share that as of this month, there are over 100 customer publications leveraging Arima technology!

Since Arima was founded in 2017, a lot of progress has been made in the field of 3D genomics. Utilizing technology that allows researchers to read and edit the spatial folding of the genome, the community has made crucial inroads in understanding and treating human pathologies like cancer, neurological disorders, and developmental disorders. In the genome assembly space, new and improved high-quality reference genomes for hundreds of species have been published, a key component in the study of ecology and conservation genomics.


To Our Customers

Customer publications are a big deal to the team at Arima. Really — we celebrate each preprint and paper! We recognize the intense effort and long hours that go into our customers’ research projects, and we are humbled that you choose our tools to help advance your science.

“Every customer’s publication brings a smile to our faces because it reminds us of the small role Arima plays in advancing their important research,” said Sid Selvaraj, Arima Genomics CEO. “We would like to thank the customers, our partners, and our well-wishers for making us smile over a hundred times. More smiles to go.”


To Our Employees

From our R&D team, to our tech support and services teams, to our commercial team, Arima is made up of people who love great science. It’s why we go to work every day. “This is an incredibly rewarding milestone, and a direct result of our team’s collective hard work and dedication toward our mission of transforming discovery, diagnosis, and therapy,” added Anthony Schmitt, Arima’s SVP of Science and one of Arima’s first employees.

Here’s to one hundred publications, and to thousands more to come!

Explore our publication library to discover how scientists our using Arima technology to empower their research