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New Frontiers in Cancer Research: Single Cell Methyl 3C and Structural Variant Detection with 3D Genomics

A holiday lunch buffet will be served to all registered attendees, so please make sure to sign up if you’d like to join us for lunch. We look forward to an engaging talk and a lively discussion!

Explore the cutting-edge of cancer genomics in our upcoming Lunch & Learn session, where we’ll explore three critical applications of 3D genomics. Discover how these technologies are transforming cancer research and improving our understanding of complex genomic structures:

  • Detect and characterize extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA): Explore the role of ecDNA in cancer progression and its potential as a therapeutic target.
  • Identify structural variants and gene fusions: Uncover critical genomic rearrangements missed by other technologies
  • Link chromatin conformation to gene regulation: Understand how 3D chromatin structure influences gene expression, shedding light on potential regulatory mechanisms in cancer.

Q&A session to follow.

Register Now

A holiday lunch buffet will be served to all registered attendees. Please let us know you’re coming by registering below!