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About the Talk

Unveiling Hidden Oncogene Drivers: Hi-C Revolutionizes Genomic Rearrangement Detection in Lymphoid Cancer Biopsies

Thursday, March 6, 2025
The Franklin Institute & Virtual

During this short talk, Anthony Schmitt, PhD, SVP of Science, will discuss the following topics:

  • Hi-C on FFPE biopsies detects common and rare enhancer-hijacking events in lymphoid cancers, offering clinical insights.
  • The method corroborates FISH results and uncovers novel genomic alterations with potential clinical relevance.
  • Hi-C provides genome-wide identification of gene fusions and topological interactions in routine clinical samples.

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Meet the speaker:

Anthony Schmitt, PhD

SVP, Science at Arima Genomics

Anthony is the SVP of Science at Arima Genomics, where his expertise in 3D genomics has been pivotal to the company's development of Hi-C technology and its applications in genomics research. He received his PhD from the University of California, San Diego, where he developed novel methodologies for understanding gene regulation using 3D genomics approaches. Since Arima’s inception, Anthony has led the development of the core Arima Hi-C chemistry and technology platform, as well as industry partnerships and academic collaborations.